Here are my three paintings for the Gifted Artist show, hope to see you guys there! There is going to be a lot of industry giants there, so its worth the extra drive!

Coo! So this piece is for the group over at Part Time Dreamers and the subject was “Opera”. The first thing that came to my mind was the scene in Amadeus when Salieri is describing Mozart’s work. The beauty and complexity of one instrument taking over another and finally coming together to complete the song. So I wanted to show the process of an Opera.
Last Friday Marcelo Vignali was kind enough to invite me out to the Sketch Club for lunch (man those guys can freakin draw!) so here’s a few drawings from my sketch book.
Finally, todays my birthday…and I manage to pull my back really bad. I been spending the whole day just hunched over like an old man (I see the irony in this happening today) The shower is a true story, I couldn’t stand for that long so I just had to sit there…….so sad.
I really wanted to help out my gf Traci Honda and Rona Liu since they are graduating but they’ll understand! ...I hope. Congratulations you guys!